Student Life
Points: Seed-time of life-best period for getting basic training-noble aim-character-knowledge-discipline-service to the society and the country-struggle ahead-preparation for that.
The student life is said to be the seed-time of life. At this stage the mind is in a fluid state and it can be moulded into any shape one desires. That is why so much care is taken about giving proper education to students. This education should comprise not only book-learning but also proper training of the mind and heart, and building up of charactger through a disciplined life. Students should also study hard to acquire knowledge which is the secret of success. They have to serve not only themselves but also their society and country, and for this they must acquire knowledge, and develop a generous spirit and general goodness of heart. In this way alone they will be true to themselves. The student life is the time of preparation for the struggle ahead-not the time for actual struggle. A student who follows these general principles is sure to make his mark in life.
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