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Uses Of Library Essay | Importance Of Library Paragraph

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Uses Of Library Essay | Importance Of Library Paragraph

Uses Of Library Essay | Importance Of Library Paragraph


[Points: What it means - different kinds - lending - free reading rooms - school and college libraries - travelling libraries.]

A library is a room or building where books and papers are laid for reading and reference. Libraries are of different kinds. Some lend books only to members for study at home. These are called lending libraries. Some of these libraries have free reading rooms where a variety of papers and journals are laid on the table for free study by everybody, including non-members. There are others that do not lend books, but allow the members to use them in the library hall. School and college libraries are meant only for the teachers and the students of the respective institutions. There are also travelling libraries. Selected collections of books belonging to a big central library are circulated by turns from place to place. This allows even villages that have no libraries of their own to get the benefit of the big central library at a distant place. All these libraries are a great boon.

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