Dowry System Paragraph
[Points: Worst system - still practised - women treated as purchasing commodity - naked commercial transaction - fortune - slur in society - its effect on society - public opinion - remedial measures.]
One of the worst evils that is eating into the vitals of our society is the dowry system. Though the system is strongly criticised, it is still widely prevalent almost throughout India. It has degraded the womanhood in our country. Dowry system has of late become a naked commercial transaction. For middle or lower middle class families this system has become a curse. For, most of them find it very difficult to pay the price demanded by well placed bridegrooms. Thousands of unfortunate girls of marriageable ages fall a prey to this system and so remain unmarried. Even after marriage the bride is often tortured by her in-laws for the dowry not being up to their expectations. The girl's sufferings know no bounds and incidents like bride burning, suicide take place quite often. To eradicate this social evil, a total change in the outlook of the society is necessary. Women are to be recognised as equal partners of men. They should be made self-sufficient by giving them proper education and employment, Social service organisations must rouse public opinion against this disgraceful system. The Dowry Prohibition Act should be properly implemented and stern penal actions should be taken against the erring persons.
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